Saturday, March 05, 2005

Computer Anger, and on Simplicity

Yesterday I had to fix my cousin's wintel machine. Once you finishes your degree in Computer Science, all your family members do is have you fix their computer.

Needless to say, it was less than an enjoyable experience. This was the first time I had deal with a troubled windows after my switch to Mac. I have no problem with Windows when it's working the way it should, but windows doesn't like to stay that way, especially on my friends' computer. His machine took 15 minutes to boot, another 5 before the harddisk stop spinning. It didn't recognize the USB Harddisk he just bought. It takes 2 minutes to open up program files directory. The registry is 15 MB in size and eating into his limited ram. The whole computer was filled with adware.

It was frustrating to deal with such computer: Change something, restart and wait 20 minutes, change doesn't work, change some other things, repeat. In the end, the computer's gone. We need a re-install.

We took a look at his sister's laptop. It ran the same version of windows, but she installed a real bare minimum of what she needed: ICQ (Asia AOL Equiv) , Internet Explorer. She doesn't work at home, there's no Microsoft Office, no winfax, nothing fancy. If only everyone else in my family does that ...

I went back home, fired up my ibook, my frustration vapourized instantly

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