Thursday, March 03, 2005

That's what obnoxious friends are for

MSN Conversation with an old college friend:
J************: i know you are jealous man, just accept it that i'm loaded while you are still struggling
Dispatcher: You bastard.
hahaha thank you, you can call me bastard again when i get my BMW
That's just what friends are for, to bring on a little competition. In a sense it's like Apple and Creative. Creative CEO kept talking down on iPods, but in the end I'm sure they're just jealous and wish to stay competitive very badly.

And for the record, I'm not really struggling so much as I could really do better. But what the hell, I'm jealous, and her tone in that joke (at least I hope she meant it as a joke) certainly didn't help.


Anonymous said...


Personally, I think only insecure people will say things like that. Insecure people need to belittle others in order to feel good about themselves.

So ... don't take it too seriously. And on a side note, "obnoxious friends" shouldn't exist, coz if someone say things like that to me, he/she is automatically deleted from my friend-list.

From a friend that thinks you are the best,


Anonymous said...

while I am on the subject...

Class isn't something she can buy, she can drive her bmw around and wear expensive clothes, but ultimately she is still a low life ...

or you can say she's just like a 7-year-old during recess ... no class

(see, no one should bully my friend, or else I will keep attack him/her :p)