Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Movies and intermissions

It's interesting to learn, from Catholic Insider, that movie theatres breaks for intermission for most movies they play.

It's interesting to me because, well, because just how weird it sounds. Movies are imerssive experiences, and to force an intermission into the middle where it isn't intended just feels wrong.

It turns out that movie intermission is a common practice within Europe. UK, Germany, etc. Cinemas in Switzerland, Australia and New Zeland cinema have intermissions for films running close to 3 hours. It was even tried in US for a couple of movies, like GETTYSBURG.

There were even a couple of movies made with intermission "built-in": "Birt of a Nation" in the "Filmmuseum".

If I have to choose, "lord of the rings" series should have been built with intermission. I still remember watching the third installment without first visiting the loo. Oh the pain towards the end ...

... and because the movie was so good, I didn't want to miss any of it. Where is the dang intermission when you really needed one.

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