Saturday, August 27, 2005

Inkernet, a whole lot of goodies

I was with a contractor helping out with a project we're in. Our conversations somehow stirred in the direction of "how much time do you spend on the internet"

"I can't be online more than an hour or two. There's just not a whole lot of things to see there."

Each to his own, right, but I just can't imagine not finding anything interesting on the internet. With each attempt of clearing my long list of blogs-to-read, more interesting blog posts surfaces. It's just a vicious cycle.

You can never know and learn enough, and there's never a better place for information than our good old web 2.0.

P.S. New projects started at the new station close to the airport, and I'm getting busy again. You'll probably observe a slight decrease of post-rate. Don't panic, but don't leave me either. Just chill, and be patience. All 5 of you who read my blog that is. ;)

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