Saturday, September 10, 2005

Katrina, and the world

The South-East Asian Tsnami, and Katrina. It's curious to observe the world react to these two natural disaster.

I remember, vividly, that literally days after Tsunami the whold world woke up, and people aroudn the world started doing whatever the hell they can to raise money and support material to the affected area. Everyone around me has probably done something to help.

I just can't help noticing the lack of such fanfare this time around with Katrina.

No fund-rasing, no charity concerts, no famous people asking everyone to donate, nothing. In fact, there was probably three times as much media coverage on Tsunami than there is for Katrina here in Hong Kong.

It's as though the people deserves no help because US is such a strong nation. It's as if Tsunami Victims are victims of unavoidable disaster, while Katrina Victims aren't. All that, just because US is a strong and aggressive nation with lots of enermy.

We really could have done better than that. If nothing else, letting people understand the reality of the situation would be a good start.

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