Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rev.e.la.tion ?

Watching Channel9's interview with Microsoft Experience Designer Jenny Lam.

As I listened, got interested about a couple of minutes into listening to what she has to say, then I realize that it might not be what she's saying that got me interested. It's herself as a smart articulate asian women working in the biggest software company in the world on one of the most anticipated products ever.

Then it hit me: I like women who're smarter than me. I like them with power, I like them to know what they're doing.

It's almost a reverse in the traditional roles of the different genders. Just a couple of years back, men would be repulsed by powerful women and ladies like rich and powerful men (well, some still do I'm sure).

Anyways, perhaps I'm just out of it because it's valentines'.

Happy Valentines' day everybody.

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