Saturday, September 10, 2005

Da ibook is off da HOOK!

My ibook's hook, the one sitting on top of the screeen and hold the notebook together when it closes, broke off during the night.

Now, after checking, there's one and only one repair center for Apple Stuffs in Hong Kong. And after getting the number for that, it worries me when I see comments like this for that particular repair center:
So heres my story, any help/advice is welcome.

25th July: My ibook G4 unable to boot up, dropped it to the only repair center in Hong Kong to get the 80 gig HD replaced (sounds simple?).

15th August: 3 weeks later I'm still waiting for them to call, so I decide to pay them a visit, find out ibook was ready, however it seems nobody had bothered to call me. So I get home, boot up, and I find that instead of a new 80 gig HD, I have a 30 gig. Ok, no problems, just a mistake, anyone could make it.

16th August: Make the 1.5 hr journey on public transport for my third visit, explain my situation, give them my ibook and ask them to put a 80gig HD ASAP. They seem sorry and ask me to come back a few hours later and assure me it will be done. So I come back, tell the man at the desk, "Dont mind if I boot up and check it's all ok here do you?" He assures me it's not neccesary, so I walk away and think it's over.
Get home, boot up, and find a 60 gig HD! ARGHH! By this stage I was pretty dissapointed. However this wasn't the end, I also discover in the system profiler that 128mb of my ram is gone? (standard inbuilt 256mb replaced with 128mb)

This makes me think that this is no mistake, it is attempted theft, and how many other people have been done without realising it?

The question I ask now is who to talk to about this? I dont wan't to go straight back to the repair centre as they may just brush it under the rug.

Any input is welcome.

Now, what'd I do?

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