Monday, September 12, 2005

The power of web 2.0, ipod nano selection process

I was having a hard time all weekend long. First, I was struggling to give myself enough incentive to get a ipod Nano. my 10G iPod broke not long after, and so hell ya, I'm getting me a Nano.

Then there's the question of color. Size was never an issue. The podcast buffer I have is roughly 2G in size, and I'll just use the rest for music and photos. But color, I tell you, I've never had such a difficult time choosing between black and a white unit, not even when I'm buying clothes.

So I went ahead to flickr, looked at ALL the pictures taken and tagged ipodnano. There are some crazy people out there, with every single freaking model of ipods you can name in their possession. Anyways, after the real actual pictures, I've finally had my mind set to the black goodie.

Thank god for the power of Web 2.0, and while we're at it, we thank you lord for Steve Jobs 2.0. :)

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