Monday, October 03, 2005

on Privacy and Family

I'm sure this happens a lot less in the states than it does in Asia. My friend was complainning to me that his parents essentially open and read every single letter sent to him from the school. He confronted the parents, and the arguement boils down to "we paid for your tuition, so we have the right to know what happens".

He eventually gave up fighting, and working his way up to be independent from his folks. So this is probably not the best way to bond with your kids.

My mother open some of my mails too, credit card bills mostly, just so that she can help me keep track. I've given up fighting and let her be, but I'd made a case of telling her that personal letters for me she simply can't touch. It works out alright.

sometimes all it takes really is a little bit of compromise.

... More on this tomorrow.

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