Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Comic Life Purchase

I finally caved in and purchased Comic Life, for $24.50 when the trail period expired.

It's not a cheap piece of software, and there's no real way to justify the purchase, so in my mind it's filed as entertainment expenses. When I'm putting up quick creative bits of comics for my friends' amusement, it's really me getting a channel to let out some steam and have fun. It's like some people with real expensive cars, and others with real expensive guns. Boys with toys.

In and of itself, blogging is going along the same line. I'm not trying to become a professional blogger, or to get anywhere with writing articles here. I enjoy putting pieces of my observations on here, as quickly, organized and well written as it can be within a 10-15 minutes time frame. Why 10-15 minutes time frame? It's just about the time I get side-tracked with everything else happening on my aggregator.

So in the end, my buying Comic Life is like a photography nut buying a new lens.

Boys love their toys.

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