Sunday, November 06, 2005

Of Hong Kong and professionalism

Honestly, I am pretty skeptical of the level of professionalism in Hong Kong when I relocate back here.

That is of course as compared to Northern American that I had the chance to observe throughout the years.

And I am certainly not far from the money shot. I see the people I work with, people in different coperation, people in different position, they couldn't care less about the quality of the work. As long as their responsibility won't be challenged, it's all fine and good, and again, they couldn't care less.

I'm not saying everyone's like this, but I surely see more of them than when I was across the atlantic.

That being said, I'd noticed something odd. Whenever I work with people installing the machines, fixing things up physically, generally people who's physically working on site, they care about their work and the project a lot more than their superior. And this doesn't stop with just projects. I had my bed specially made becausae none of the pre-made ikea crap fit my room, and while the boss (the designer, whatever) was basically an ass, the guy who came around to install the thing did extra to make sure the bed is steady, firm, and that I'm satisfied.

Same thing happened when I moved into our new house. The lemmings practically argued with the boss over the phone to have more time to move our stuffs and tidy up the place. I understand why the boss would rush them off to another job, but their willingness to stick-up to their quality of work really impresses me more than the many project managers I see in my line of work.

So either
  1. You need to be on the wire, facing the situation / client to learn the meaning of professionalism in Hong Kong,
  2. Older guys are so much more professional in their line of work that it hurts to think what we did wrong with our younger generation.
I'd really like to hear what the maybe 5 readers out there think.

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