Saturday, November 26, 2005

When you get older ...

It's the funniest thing*. You get so obsessively interested in something as though you're going to make a career out of the hobby, and a couple of years later, you look back and wonder why you cared at all.

My friend and I got into this little conversation about how were liked to go Karaoke so much back in "the days". We would listen to our favorite artists over and over, analyze how performs, attempt to immetate, fail, and try all over again. We didn't have money to go to a real Karaoke thing so most of it is just singing over the singer in the CD / Tape.

That stage has passed. neither of us go to Karaoke anymore. He frequents photograpy forums trying to turn himself into a pro, while I waste time posting blogs online.

During my college days, anime was big, big part of our lifes. We go to Anime conventions, marval at the incredible graphics (and occasionally storyline) of the Japanese productions, and stayed up to watch our newly downloaded series.

A couple of days I bought the DVD for what can be said to be the hottest anime movie recently: Final Fantasy VII. The computer graphics was top notch, but I couldn't help but stop watching after 15 minutes. I don't get the story, and I got tired watching the graphics.

Wouldn't have happened back in the days.

Ah, to be young again, and also the foolish fun.

I wonder what I'd think of my blogs 10 years from now.

Note to me from the future: Stop reading.

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