Sunday, March 13, 2005

Supersize Me

Watched "Supersize Me" over the weekend. Gosh, it totally grossed me out. There was a time when I'd drop by Jack-in-a-box every other day, and that did some pretty shitty thing to my body.

Definitely worth watching, even if it's just to bring your lazy ass into gym once in a while. I know I'm going workout more often now. Hopefully it last longer than the last time I decided to workout.

The chinese subtitles did a wonderful job of translating the idea, and humour. I doubt, however, that a lot of people here's going to get the main point of this documentary. It's not that they want to reach a specific conclusion. Documentaries are great ways to raise awareness, and let the public make intelligent informed decision with the power of more knowledge on the subject matter.

To me these are the true master of film-making.

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