Friday, April 01, 2005

Only losers live with their parents. Cultural shock series Part 1

An anonymous poster from the good old inkernet commented on my last blog, about us buying a house. He seems to be surprised that I'm still living with my parents even though I'm working, buying a house, figuring out mortgage and all that jazz.

This gets me thinking. It's widely accepted, in the US at least, kids are on their own after highschool. Those who still stays in "parent's basement" are losers, and should get a job and move out already. Or is it just what teen movies making us believe that?

Here in the orient, things work a little different. First off, houses and rent are expensive. Not Central Park Avenue or Wall Street expensive, but generally New York City expensive. Also, apartments here are but a fraction in size of what is available in US. I know, because I lived in Austin Texas and Baltimore MD.

I was paying $400USD for rent in Austin, in a one bedroom apartment, just for myself. Here we're paying close to $700USD for an apartment marginally bigger, for a family of four.

Culturally, it's ok to live with your parents until you're ready to start your own family here. Sure you can't bring your girl(s) home and have a orgy session, but i guess we just have to live with that.

But that's why we have hourly rated "hotels" here right? You know, those you've read so much about in your Japanese Manga ...


Anonymous said...

I'm living with my Mom, and very very eager to move out.

Ben Liong said...

I think there really is a compromise. I hate the lack of freedom and privacy, but I love the my parents, love the home cooked meal, love not worrying about laundry.

A respectable distance would really be the best of both world. A lot of my friends are living 2 hours drive from their parents. Man, that'd really be an idle buffer zone.