Monday, May 23, 2005

Mortgage fun

The day of transaction for our new house, the big day if you will, falls on 25th May 2005.

We inspeected the house on 22nd, everything looks good.

We're all set. well, we though we're all set.

Our lawyer have use sign the finall documents, and one of these documents indicate our will to engage into a mortgage for 15 years term. 15 years is a good 5 years shy of the 20 years term we'd expected and agreed on. This means a good $300USD each month for me.

So with only 2 days to play with, we take the case to our bank, made some noice, and hopefully would just make it for the paperwork to go through (again) before the big day. It's going to be a close one. The problem is that one person promised us the rate and terms, and another person does the actual paperwork and approval. Poor comunication kills kittens. It really does.

So with this final step in place, the clockwork of my paying more than half my pay to the bank begins to enroll. Mortgage will be killing my inner-child. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

See you on the flip side.

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