Monday, May 23, 2005

The never-ending project

With one of the two MTR Stations officially opening in a week, weird errors started poping up like uncooked popcorn under the hot cooking light.

Most of these errors are pretty absurb, and would without fail, always happens when we have no one on site to verify. So if Master Control System engineers say that they can't communicate with our server, we can't verify that it's their problem, it becomes our problem very quickly.

There's this critical feature of the PA System, in which the station control personnel should be able to broadcast an evacuation message stored on our server with one touch of a button at MCS side. Simple right? Just have the microprocessor tell us to broadcast when the button was pressed.

It didn't work during several official tests, and again, we don't have anyone on site on those said days. So, PA system isn't working.

I rushed to site, check the logs, repeat the tests in front of MTR officials, and lo and behold, they didn't send the requests. Problem solved on our end.

When engineers don't work to solve problems, they divert responsibilities and hope that the problems can sort themselves out.

Silly Engineers.

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