Wednesday, August 31, 2005

We will remember you, Jonathan.

You know, life can just take very sharp and unexpected turns that throws everyone off.

Got this email earlier today:

Hey Ben, doh, I shoulda tried to get in touch with you earlier. How's working for the man going there in HK? You getting to drive any over there? And you going to church with your grad student? friend still?

Actually, I have some sad news man. Jon had an aneurysm which ruptured and went into a coma yesterday morning. He passed away sometime last night or this morning. I talked to Anand, and he said that his parents and brother were doing ok. Annys is in Indonesia and is trying to head over to the US this week. Pretty sudden, no real warning or reason why that might happen to him, but I guess life is pretty unpredictable like that. His parents decided to donate his organs too for transplant, so they're being pretty real about the whole thing. Pretty admirable. But anyway, I guess our mutual manual driving mentor has passed on, I hope into God's wonderful homeland. We'll never race him here I guess like we were planning to, but maybe there. While we're here we can pass on what we've learned too at least.

Let us know how you're doing over there man. Life goes on I guess. Both ours and his. Tell us if there's any unfinished business you have here or in Austin too that you want help with too.

He was one of the buddies in college. It was such a shocker, because he's been so healthy and energetic. I mean, it's something along the line of "I'd always though I'd go before he does" feeling. One minute he's talking to his co-worker, complaining about this pain he has, next minute he's on the floor unconcious.

Treasure every single freaking minutes everyone. Go play, go enjoy life. If you don't like your job, quit. Get a better job. Life is short, and it's not meant for us to sit in little cubicles listening to eight different bosses going on with the mission statements.

I feel the the family and the girlfriend. His parents made the painful and admirable decision to donate his organs.

Rest in peace, Jonathan. We will definitely be missing you for however long the remaining of my life is.

More post to come when the truth sink in. I'm not really accepting the fact very well at the moment.

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