Wednesday, September 07, 2005


It's always, always, good to have perspective.
It's good to know how people beside you lives.

Why are reports of a disaster important? They're there so that we understand the reasons. We may not know why, but we will come to terms with the situation, and obtain the strength to go on.

Sometimes the reality of everything just drives you crazy, and only by having a perspective, gathering facts, understanding, that we're able to ease the intensity of feelings within.

Tsunami victims survived like this, victims of Katrina will, and my friend Jonathan's parents, loved ones and friends will do the same.

From shock and disbelief, to the initial numbness, to finally coming to term with reality. We will remember, and tressure the memory.

Thank you Jon.

P.S. I was going to write about a poem "Being Poor", how we should never loss sight of what goes on around us. Somehow, I think of the pain Jon's parents must be going through. I guess that's another aspect of it all. We're all in this world together, changing each others' life. We care about each other.

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