Sunday, October 02, 2005

Philips Defibrillator

While checking Firefly DVD out at amazon, right on my amazon front page is this:Now this is interesting. Shouldn't this be handled by trained people like the doctors? Isn't this one of the reasons they charge us $50 for a week worth of cough medicine? All of us untrained people are like monkeys with half a brain, so what's to stop us from poking to at a friend just for laughs?

Don't get me wrong. I think it's wonderful that more people are getting hands on devices that can save lifes. I'm just concerned that the education won't catch up with the distrubtion. From the Amazon site:

This award-winning safety equipment has been designed so that virtually anyone can use it to help save the life of a person who suffers a sudden cardiac arrest.

Great. With $1,350 price tag, any 3 years old kid had better be able to use it.

Just in case you case don't know what a Defibrillator is, check the wiki

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