Sunday, October 02, 2005

on Friendster "Who's viewed Me" feature

I had this conversation with a female friend just now:

YYYY: oh shit
YYYY: oh shit
YYYY: oh shit ben
Ben: what?
YYYY: stupid friendster
YYYY: they have who viewed me
Ben: and ?
YYYY: you can see who view you
Ben: now?
YYYY: yes

few minutes later...

Ben: so what's the big deal? :)
YYYY: i think they are updating
Ben: you were like "oh shit oh shit"
YYYY: what's the big deal? do you like to view random people
YYYY: like people you hate
YYYY: girls you used to like
Ben: heehhehhe
YYYY: or things like that, now they will know
Ben: I don't, but I'm sure a lot of people do.
YYYY: yes
YYYY: i do that
YYYY: a lot
YYYY: you view my frineds pics a lot
YYYY: and my friends will know you loook at them

So what just happened is that Friendster implemented "Who's viewed me" feature where you can have a detailed list of who checked you out, like this:

And after a little bit of thinking, my friend was right to freak out. Who she checks out while on friendster is essentially her data. Although these are not personal data, the activities are often implicational. These are her activities and they are hers to decide whether to disclose.

But as I told her in the chat, there are probably a good percentage of users asking for exactly that feature. If you think about it, Friendster as a page is kinda useless without the communication it induces, and this new feature would arguably be the one feature that induces the most interaction between users. I can just hear Jonathan "friendster" Abrams saying, "with this, people will become better friends, fall in love, get married, everything would be great."

Ultimately, this will certainly lead to a behavioral change in Friendster users. I can already see my friend stop randomly checking out other's profile from now on.

What a pitty.