Wednesday, November 09, 2005

... and for the professional ...

I'd been watching this piece of ad over, and over, and over again for the past couple of days.

It's not that I want the product in it. I do, but that's not it.
It's not the quality of the ad either. It's very well put together, but again, that's not it.
It's the emotional engagement that it has going

It's a piece of advertistment put up by Apple duing 2004 NBA Playoff. The ad features all the "pro" software that Apple sells: Final Cut Pro, Shake, Logic Pro, DVD Studio Pro, and Motion, and runs for around 4 minutes.

As you can probably tell, I'm as far from their target audience as can be, especially with the average price tag of $800 USD for each of these. But what I get out of the ad is not only a rough understanding of what the software can let me do, but also an excitment inside me, complete with a little voice saying, "hey I can make exciting contents with these stuffs, things like LOTR, Harry Porter, all that jazz".

And then the commercial ended, and I was slapped back into the sad reality that I'm nowhere close to being creative, leave alone a creative professional. I was filled with desire to check out these software at their site.

Imagine what this piece of commercial will do to a actual creative professional, the real target audience for the pro suite.

You can check out the video HERE.

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