Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The ridiculous situation of region segmentation

I'm increasingly doubting the claim that our interweb is something international.

International, yeah right, and I can't even get a song on iTunes Music Store with my Visa credit card. I want to pay for content, I do. I want to pay for what I really like what only what I really like. I missed an episode of LOST on TV, and instead of getting it off BT, I want to just pay for it in iTMS and download it, giving attribution to what I felt is the best TV show in a long time.

What kind of system do we have when I can't pay for content but have to settle for something illegal?

Speaking of region segmentation, my relocation to Hong Kong had pretty much rendered my xbox useless with new games I buy, unless I go for the illegal modification of the system. I had a conversation with xbox support about it, and their official position is that you'd have to buy yourself another machine in HK.

I can almost hear the support guy shouting out, "just go mod the machine already, we can't do anything to help".

Thanks for listening

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