Saturday, November 12, 2005

Copy and Paste

It's amazing that some of the technology we come to rely on everyday changed so little through the years. It's always been "Highlight, Ctrl-C, enter, click, Ctrl-V, repeat".

Microsoft tried to change this by providing a way to keep copying without pasting, which confuses the hell out of everyone and I personally was rather annoyed by the feature.

I believe the reason for Microsoft's failure, is that ultimately we want this procedure to be as brainless and mechanical as possible. Copying something, pasting on somewhere else should be like picking up a cookie and putting it into your mouth: you can do it with your eyes closed, while you're watching TV, in the bathroom, the list goes on.

And this extends to everything else non-creative that we do everyday. Listening music off our mp3 player, Playing a DVD, everything should take me less than 5 seconds to learn and repeat.

We have iPod, but everything else is still playing catch-up. And with more than 20 buttons on a typical consumer electronic, we may have a long way to go.

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