Tuesday, November 15, 2005

On Expectations and publishing

Once you started blogging, people (hopefully) start reading and subscribing, but then they notice when you haven't posted in a while. A dear friend even sent me emails asking if I'm ok, just because I haven't been on for a while, and that I'd had close calls before.

Part of dealing with a group of any size is dealing with expectations. Bloggers are no exceptions. You're out of sight, you're out of mind. People wonder for a while what happened to you, some may even call to see if you're still around, but sooner or later you lose the crowd, if you don't produce something to keep their attention.

This is hard work, especially when blogging is still mostly an non-profitable endovour, a product out of interest and love. Sustaining any type of interest, be that of the author or the audience's, is just hard work.

This is why you see a lot of blogs out there just re-reporting news that other blogs reports. They have nothing to say, but just so you know, they're still alive out there and you should keep your subscription. But sooner or later, expectations on these blogs changes to the form of "nothing to see, move along".

Sometimes keeping silence is the best thing to do when you've got nothing to say.

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