Thursday, November 17, 2005

iPod in 1984?

Wow, this is really starting to screw with my mind.

First a little background:
In 1984, Apple released their revolutionary machine named Macintosh. In order to create buzz / interest in the community, they created an TV Ad around the idea that yet-to-be-announced product would put power in your hand, and "1984 won't be like 1984" in George Orwell's totalitarian vision of the future.

The commercial featured an athletic young women running in a "1984"-like world, throwing the sledgehammer to destory the "big brother" screen.

All these was in 1984, before the superbowl.

Fast forward to now. We have videocasts. We have macTV giving us old Apple Commercial in the form of RSS enclosure. I downloaded the 1984 ad and watched it over and over because I am becoming a mac geek.

Then I read this behind-the-scene article, and watch the same ad on their site. Something doesn't add up.

Below are two pictures :

On the left was the one from macTV, on the right was the original ad.

Now how in the world did that iPod get into the ad?

iPod was released in 2001 as a mac-only MP3 player. This was 1984.

My head hurts.

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