Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Religion and dedication (Religion serious part 2)

The pope just passed away.

I was constantly listening to the Catholic Insider Podcast the days before and after his passing, and the effect was overwhelming. Father Roderic flew to the Vatican city, joined the prayer, interviewed people at the celemony, every bit of the audio gave me the feeling that I'm there with the Father, praying for the pope's health with a group of catholics in St Peter's Square. The experience was unparalleled by anything CNN reportings can provide.

I just burnt my brother a copy of his podcast in Audio CD format, so that he can experience this emotional journey. Hopefully Father Roderick wouldn't mind.

One of the things regions provide better than anything else, I believe, is the strength of togetherness. A large group of people with the same strong belief is a powerful thing. It gives each other strength and support. No one can make it by themselves.

Here are some pictures Father Roderick took at the St. Peter's Square.

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