Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Religion and dedication

Catholic Insider PodcastI'm not a regious person, not by a long, long shot. But I listen to Catholic Insider Podcast. I want to know more about the region before I say good or bad things about it, and listening to podcast by a Prist definitely beats the hell out of reading about it in the books.

Father Roderick just do amazing jobs in making the podcast entertaining and informative, for people with or without a religion.

Religions are strange things. Most of the time, you don't really notice it, you don't see the need to believe in something devine. When something big strikes, everyone's praying. Everyone suddenly believes in the power that be.

I believe religion is A Good Thing (TM), and i believe that everyone already have some kind of religion. It may not be an established organization like Catholic, Christianity, and buddism. Everyone has set of principal, set of values that they ahere to, it differs just in the degree of dedication each individual has towards what they believe in.

If you believe that buying priated software is wrong, you just won't do it. If you truely think that bush is not right for the country, you won't vote for him. incredibly simple concept, and again how hard you fight the temptation really depends on how dedicated to what you believe in.

Anyone can be a religious person without going to church.

P.S. go listen to some of Catholic Insider's podcast, I really think it's an eye-openner.

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